EasyPark Insights: Your partner in crafting seamless parking mobility
Changing your parking policies can be a daunting task without having appropriate parking data at hand. EasyPark Insights gives you precise data, expertise and visualization tools to make your city more livable, without losing your hair in the process.
Reshapes city parking planning
Elevate your planning through data-driven solutions
Your city is a complex ecosystem where parking affects mobility and living. Parking management that is not based on a real view of demand and supply, lack of overall overview, congestion created by insufficient planning tools and long parking searches are more common than you’d think. The result is inefficiency, polluting emissions and unnecessary costs and frustrations. But this ends here. With EasyPark Insights, you get access to a suite of tools that give you data-based insights into your city's parking situation. In other words, you get all the parking data you need to create efficiency in planning, clarity in costs and harmony in your city’s mobility.
What is included
Consisting of five essential components, it has everything you need to understand and optimize your parking ecosystem.
Parking inventory
Determine the type and number of parking spaces in each tariff zone. Inspect various street segments and find out what restrictions apply.
Parking occupancy
Discover the streets and areas most sought after, parking search time, and the probability of finding an available space at any given time.
Operational data
Track your zoning, pricing, enforcement, revenue, and other operational data in light of your inventory and occupancy.
We assist cities in discerning parking data in creating short, mid, and long-term actions to optimise the parking ecosystem.
Improve enforcement processes and standardise all transactions data from all digital P&Ds and MPP providers.
The ultimate city suite
EasyPark Insights
EasyPark Insights combines high-quality data for parking supply and demand, visualization tools and advisory services to empower policymakers to make more precise decisions. Unveil your city's parking potential, one insight at a time.
Get instant data: Access all parking data in your city with a single click, streamlining decision-making and efficiency.
Optimize inventory: Direct parking demand to available areas, maximizing parking utilization and convenience.
Reduce costs: Significantly lower administrative and maintenance expenses through streamlined parking management.
Monitor change impact: Effectively monitor and assess the outcomes of policy changes, ensuring their alignment with intended goals.
Enhance enforcement and traffic flow: Manage enforcement efficiently, while fostering city inclusivity.
We’re here for your success
Let’s start a conversation. Get to know each other and find out what our partnership will do for you. Note! For support matters click here.
Explore more
The EasyPark App
The popular application for drivers to manage parking. It maximizes revenue for you as it removes the costs of handling cash and maintaining P&D machines.
EasyPark SmartHUB
Where it all begins. The base for digitizing parking inventory, enabling a scalable set-up and, additionally, a more efficient enforcement process.
EasyPark Insights
The ultimate suite for your city. Get precise data, analytics and advisory services to give you actionable insights. Gain confidence when making changes or implementing parking regulations.