How do I sign up for an EasyPark business account?

You can easily create a new EasyPark business account in the app or via the web sign-up page. In the app choose “Business” in the menu and follow the sign-up process. We recommend you to read more about our EasyPark Business packages and subscribe to the one that best suits your needs.

When creating your business account you will have to provide the following information: - Company name - this will be the name of the account.

- Company registration number

- Company address (street, postal code, city) - this will appear in the invoice.

- Phone number - to identify your account.

- Email address - to which you would receive the invoice and important information.

- Name of the main account contact - often, this is the administrator of the account.

You can then choose a method of payment and confirm your subscription. You are now ready to go!